Thank you for choosing IncentiFind, The go-to database for green building incentives. We are pleased to connect your Commercial (Mixed-Use) project to incentives.


Soft Estimate
Rebates $ 78,500
Tax/Financial Incentives $ 230,000
Projected Savings $ 308,500

Project Name: Sample VERIFY Report

Project ID: ICFP-0001337

Name: Jane Doe


Address: 123 Main Street, Frederick, Maryland 21702 (Frederick County)

Asset Type: Commercial (Mixed-Use) - Existing Building

Project Size: 175,480 sq. feet

Construction Start Date: 11/5/2022

Construction End Date: 11/5/2022

Utility Provider(s):
  • Electric - IncentiFind Utilities
  • Gas - IncentiFind Utilities
  • Water - IncentiFind Utilities

Green Technologies: Energy Efficiency Indoor (Appliances, Boilers, Chillers, Compressed Air, Controls, Food Service Equipment, HVAC, Lighting, Motors, Pumps, & Drives, Natural Gas, Refrigeration, Thermostats, VRF/VAV Systems, Water Heating) Energy Efficiency Outdoor (Exterior Lighting, Landscaping Equipment, Pool Pumps) Energy Efficiency Misc. (Co-Generation/Combined Heat and Power [CHP], Cooling Tower, Demand Response, Generators, Insulation, Load Management Program, Propane, Retro Commissioning, Weatherization, Window Films, Windows) Renewables (Battery Storage, Biofuel, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydroelectric, Solar, Wind) Resilience (Battery Storage, Fire Proofing, Flood Proofing, Hurricane Proofing) Water Conservation Indoor (Kitchen Equipment, Plumbing Fixtures, Water Submeters) Water Conservation Outdoor (Green Roofs, Irrigation, Landscaping, Rain Water Harvesting) Other (Affordable Housing, Brownfield Development, Depreciation, Economic Development, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Emission Reduction Technology, Energy Procurement, Equity or Equality Related, Expedited Permitting, Historic Preservation/Use, Infill Development, Materials or Products, Program [LEED, EnergyStar, GreenGlobes, etc.], Recycling)

Website Survey Completed: February 18, 2022

View Full Survey Response


  • Blue - APPLY Service Deadline
  • Red - Incentive Deadline
  • Black - Project Related Date
  • Green - Project/Incentive Milestone

Survey Submission : February 18, 2022

APPLY Services Deadline : September 02, 2022

APPLY Services must be authorized by 09/02/2022 Deadline to Authorize APPLY Services

Pre-approval Deadline : October 02, 2022

Pre-approval must be completed by 10/02/2022

Pre-approval must be completed by 10/02/2022

Construction Start Date : December 01, 2022

Construction begins 12/01/2022 Construction Start Date

Construction End Date : December 01, 2023

Construction completed by 12/01/2023 Construction End Date

Program Close : December 31, 2023

Application deadline for the following incentive(s):

Application deadline for the following incentive(s): - [Potomac Edison - 2023 Appliance Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings) (#2)](#2023%20Appliance%20Incentives%20for%20Business%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - 2023 Combined Heat and Power Incentives (Existing Buildings) (#3)](#2023%20Combined%20Heat%20and%20Power%20Incentives%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - 2023 Commercial Major Renovation Program (Existing Buildings) (#4)](#2023%20Commercial%20Major%20Renovation%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - 2023 HVAC Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings) (#5)](#2023%20HVAC%20Incentives%20for%20Business%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - 2023 Lighting Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings) (#6)](#2023%20Lighting%20Incentives%20for%20Business%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - Consumer Electronics (Existing Buildings) (#7)](#Consumer%20Electronics%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Potomac Edison - Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings) (#8)](#Food%20Service%20and%20Commercial%20Kitchens%20Incentives%20for%20Business%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Frederick County Office of Economic Development - 2023 Facade Improvement Grants (Existing Buildings) (#13)](#2023%20Facade%20Improvement%20Grants%20(Existing%20Buildings)) - [Frederick County Office of Economic Development - Project Restore (Existing Buildings) (#15)](#Project%20Restore%20(Existing%20Buildings))

Program Close : October 30, 2024

Application deadline for the following incentive(s):

Application deadline for the following incentive(s): - [Maryland Energy Administration - 2025 Solar Canopy and Dual Use Technology Grant Program (Existing Buildings) (#19)](#2025%20Solar%20Canopy%20and%20Dual%20Use%20Technology%20Grant%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings))

Present Day : March 12, 2025

Program Close : December 31, 2025

Application deadline for the following incentive(s):

Application deadline for the following incentive(s): - [Maryland Public Service Commission - 2025 Community Solar Pilot Program (Existing Buildings) (#20)](#2025%20Community%20Solar%20Pilot%20Program%20(Existing%20Buildings))


The below list of incentives does not guarantee your project’s eligibility or award. Please review the below list of incentives with IncentiFind to determine which incentives you want to APPLY to. We have indicated the incentives we can help you apply to in the "APPLY Services" column as well as the fee associated with the incentive's application process.

02 VERIFY is a service of IncentiFind, Inc.. Incentives, prices, fees, or estimates referenced in this document do not constitute a guarantee that funding will be received. Any arrangement as to services, their associated fees, must be contracted for in a separate written agreement. This document provided is without any representation or warranty. IncentiFind, Inc. does not warrant that the information contained in this document is complete, accurate, or misleading. IncentiFind, Inc. does not offer legal, financial, tax, or regulatory advice. Incentives listed are current as of the date shown on the recipient's profile. This document is not intended for distribution or reproduction. This document is not intended to be used for any other purposes other than for the property listed below, property owner’s use (or owner’s representative use), and is based on the project details provided in the completion of our online survey.
Incentive Summary
Level of Government Incentive
1 Frederick City Water Department - Water Conservation (Existing Buildings) - NONE
2 Potomac Edison - 2023 Appliance Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
3 Potomac Edison - 2023 Combined Heat and Power Incentives (Existing Buildings)
4 Potomac Edison - 2023 Commercial Major Renovation Program (Existing Buildings)
5 Potomac Edison - 2023 HVAC Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
6 Potomac Edison - 2023 Lighting Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
7 Potomac Edison - Consumer Electronics (Existing Buildings)
8 Potomac Edison - Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
9 Potomac Edison - Instant Discounts (Existing Buildings)
10 Frederick Economic Development - Commercial and Industrial Business Real Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
11 Frederick Economic Development - High Performance Buildings Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
12 Frederick Economic Development - Vacant Commercial Property Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
13 Frederick County Office of Economic Development - 2023 Facade Improvement Grants (Existing Buildings)
14 Frederick County Office of Economic Development - 2023 Fast Track Permitting (Existing Buildings)
15 Frederick County Office of Economic Development - Project Restore (Existing Buildings)
16 Comptroller of Maryland - 2025 Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
17 Maryland Energy Administration - 2025 Maryland Energy Storage Income Tax Credit Program (Existing Buildings)
18 Maryland Energy Administration - 2025 Maryland Green Building Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
19 Maryland Energy Administration - 2025 Solar Canopy and Dual Use Technology Grant Program (Existing Buildings)
20 Maryland Public Service Commission - 2025 Community Solar Pilot Program (Existing Buildings)
21 U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - 2025 Federal Business Investment Tax Credit (ITC) (Existing Buildings)
22 U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - 2025 MACRS Cost Segregation Engineered Study and Bonus Depreciation (Existing Buildings)
23 U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - 2025 New Markets Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Each of the incentives you see listed in the above chart are detailed for you below. The incentives are numbered to correspond to their details below. The incentives are sorted by their governing agency and, are in the following order: Utility, City, County, State, and Federal.

LOCAL: Utility

Organization - Incentive Name Eligible Scope Estimated Funds Estimated Time Next Steps to Capture APPLY Services
1. Frederick City Water Department

Water Conservation (Existing Buildings) - NONE
Water Conservation (Existing Buildings) - NONE

No incentive programs are available at this time for the following green measures: Water Conservation Indoor,Water Conservation Outdoor.

Minimum Funds:

No incentive programs are available at this time.

Maximum Funds:

No incentive programs are available at this time.

Application period

1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022

1. Applications are currently closed.

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No

3. Pre-Approval Required: No

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: No incentive programs are available at this time.

7. After approval, funds typically received: No incentive programs are available at this time.

No incentive programs are available at this time.


2. Potomac Edison

2023 Appliance Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
2023 Appliance Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (TDU)


The Appliance Incentives for Business Program is offered to Maryland commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers of Potomac Edison to encourage participants to install high-efficiency equipment.

Only new equipment is eligible for incentives under the Appliance Incentives for Business Program.

Incentives may be available for the following equipment:

  • Vending machine controls
  • Clothes washers
  • Refrigerators
  • ENERGY STAR® certified room air conditioners
  • ENERGY STAR certified vending machines
  • ENERGY STAR certified heat pump water heaters

Equipment and Eligibility Requirements

  • Pre-Rinse Sprayers
    Replacement of existing sprayer with new unit that use 1.6 GPM or less, on/off squeeze lever, and cleaning of performance of at least 26 seconds. Electric water heating only.
  • ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers
    Purchase and installation of a new dehumidifier meeting ENERGY STAR V5.0
  • ENERGY STAR Water Coolers
    Purchase and installation of an ENERGY STAR V2.0 water cooler.
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters
    Purchase and installation of a Heat Pump domestic water heater in place of a standard electric water heater, EF>2.0.
  • Non-Commercial Duty Clothes Washers - CEE Tier 2
    Purchase and installation of a clothes washer meeting ENERGY STAR most efficient or CEE Tier 2.
  • Non-Commercial Duty Clothes Washer – CEE Tier 3
    Purchase and installation of a clothes washer meeting CEE Tier 3.
  • Commercial Clothes Washers - CEE Tier 1
    Purchase and installation of a clothes washer meeting ENERGY STAR Most Efficient of CEE Tier 1.
  • Commercial Clothes Washers - CEE Tier 2
    Purchase and installation meeting or exceeding CEE Tier 2
  • Non-Commercial Duty Clothes Dryers (w/ Moisture Sensor)
    Purchase and installation of an ENERGY STAR rated clothes dryer with moisture sensor or a heat pump type clothes dryer
  • Non-Commercial Duty Refrigerators Tier 2
    Purchase and installation of a new refrigerator meeting either ENERGY STAR or CEE Tier 2.
  • Non-Commercial Duty Refrigerators Tier 3
    Purchase and installation of a new refrigerator meeting CEE Tier 3
  • Non-Commercial Duty ENERGY STAR Freezers**
    Purchase and installation of a new ENERGY STAR rated freezer.

All Appliance Incentives for Business Program applications received by the Program Administrator require pre-approval before the installation of equipment.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by project

Maximum Funds:
  • Pre-Rinse Sprayers || $50 Per Unit
  • ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers || $25 Per Unit
  • ENERGY STAR Water Coolers || $50 Per Unit
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters || $1,000 Per Unit
  • Non-Commercial Duty Clothes Washers || $100 Per Unit
  • Non-Commercial Duty Clothes Dryers (w/ Moisture Sensor) || $50 Per Unit
  • Non-Commercial Duty Refrigerators || $100 Per Unit
  • Non-Commercial Duty ENERGY STAR Freezers || $50 Per Unit

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: Program Ally

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: Yes

5. Post-Audit Required: Yes

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Assumes the project timeline. Varies depending on scope of the project.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Payment typically received within 4-6 weeks.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (TDU) service territory.

  1. he participant should complete and submit an Appliances program application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings.
    > W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
    > Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost- and rate-related information.

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of Program pre-approval email, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient equipment.

  3. Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:
    > Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed
    > Completed letter of attestation\

  4. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application.
    Apply onlineor contact us at 855-801-5803 for assistance.

3. Potomac Edison

2023 Combined Heat and Power Incentives (Existing Buildings)
2023 Combined Heat and Power Incentives (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (TDU)


Eligible CHP projects must meet the following requirements:

  • Generators will be driven by turbines or internal combustion engines coupled to generators, where waste heat is used to support the customer’s process.
  • The thermal output must be used within the customer’s process and/or building systems. The design of the system shall take into consideration the application of a technology (e.g. absorption chillers) that will use the thermal output to further reduce the customer’s electric load.
  • CHP design must achieve at least 65 percent operating efficiency (relationship of useful electric and thermal output verses the fuel input). The customer must install the required metering (kWh, MMBTU/hr, fuel consumption/hr) to support the measurement and verification process for the project (i.e., to assess electric energy output and annual performance).
  • The preferred fuel source is natural gas or biogas.
  • All CHP electricity generated is intended solely for on-site use by the customer.
  • Incentives are not available to CHP systems that serve off-site customers, export to the grid, or are not located on the customers property.
  • All installations must be determined to be cost effective, with a score greater than 1.0 using the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test. Contact Potomac Edison for TRC assistance.
  • The design of the system shall be such that the generation equipment is controlled to meet the on-site energy requirements, thus providing no continuous or incidental electrical energy export. The recommended design would be that the CHP system is designed to not exceed approximately 80% of the facility’s electrical energy usage requirements.
  • Generator size will be limited to 10 megawatts (MW) per location and application, and subject to Potomac Edison retail tariff(s), including interconnection and net metering requirements.

Pre-Approval Requirements

  • All Combined Heat and Power Incentives applications received by Potomac Edison require pre-approval before the purchase and installation of equipment. The Program Administrator will issue a formal pre-approval letter for all projects within a reasonable time period upon receipt of all required program forms and documentation.

To qualify for Combined Heat and Power Incentives, all projects must be pre- approved by December 31, 2023.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by project

Maximum Funds:

Incentives are offered as follows:

  • 50 kW or less: $2,000/kW
  • 51 kW to 200 kW: $1,600/kW
  • 201 kW to 1000 kW: $1,200/kW
  • Larger than 1000 kW: $800/kW

Three Payment Structure

  • Design Incentive: 10% incentive at project approval
  • Commissioning Incentive: 30% incentive at installation and commissioning
  • Production Incentive: Remaining incentive (up to 60%) will be paid after receiving 12 consecutive months of actual kWh generation within 24 months of project commissioning. Payment will be based on the following ratio: kWh actual generation/kWh proposed generation; Payment will be capped at 60% of total incentive. Incentives are capped at $2.5 million per customer and limited to one project per customer per plan cycle.

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open (The deadlines to qualify for the commissioning (final construction) incentives are through December 31, 2025 and production incentives through December 31, 2027.)

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Assumes the project timeline. Varies depending on scope of the project.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Please allow up to 90 days to receive incentive payment.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (TDU) service territory.

  1. The participant should complete and submit a Combined Heat and Power Incentive application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for pre-approval:
    » Completed and signed W-9 tax form for the incentive payee. The W-9 form must be current and dated within the last 24 months.
    » Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost- and rate-related information.
    » Executive summary including project scope and intended use for heat output
    » Pre- and post-installation equipment specifications and operating assumptions, including replaced heating equipment as well as proposed backup boiler and fuel conditioning equipment
    » All energy calculations associated with the project, including hourly heat and electric load analysis for facility
    » Manufacturer’s specification cut sheets to verify size, technology and efficiency levels of proposed/installed equipment including generator, engine and backup heating/fuel conditioning
    » Provide Potomac Edison with required information/documentation, refer to FirstEnergy CHP Project Data Form. Potomac Edison will evaluate project based on a Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) calculator and review of proposed design efficiency.
    » Please include a checklist of the following key information provided, along with location address (e.g., file name or page):
    a. Executive summary detailing general description of the total project.
    b. Facility hourly load analysis.
    c. Calculation of annual proposed, gross generation (kWh).
    d. Calculation of annual auxiliary equipment usage such as fans, pumps, compressors, and backup systems (kWh).
    e. Calculation of annual generation to be used on site (kWh).
    f. Estimated Peak kW offset at the facility (Peak kW savings are defined as the facility load offset in the hour ending 5 p.m. on the hottest summer weekday).
    g. Manufacturer’s specification cut sheets.
    h. FirstEnergy CHP Project Data Form.

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the application review is complete and Project is pre-approved.

  3. The applicant will then be required to provide a signed letter of intent and an acknowledgement of Potomac Edison’s Terms and Conditions for CHP projects, forms provided by Potomac Edison. Upon receipt of the signed documents, the design incentive will be disbursed to the customer.

  4. During construction and prior to commissioning of the CHP project, a pre-inspection will be conducted.

  5. Participants should review their pre-approved project for any changes and submit the following documents to the Program Administrator for review:
    » Revised engineering and related energy savings analysis/calculations (if changes were made during construction)
    » Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    » Completed letter of attestation on customer letterhead, signed by the customer

  6. After CHP project is commissioned:
    Within 24 months of project commissioning, provide 12 consecutive months of metered data (kWh, MMBTU/hr, fuel consumption/hr) of the CHP system to verify the energy efficiency performance of the new CHP system. Supporting technical documentation will be reviewed by the Program Administrator, and an on-site inspection to verify the installation may be conducted. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application. Apply online or contact us at 855-801-5803 for assistance.

4. Potomac Edison

2023 Commercial Major Renovation Program (Existing Buildings)
2023 Commercial Major Renovation Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (Retail Energy Provider)


The Commercial New Construction Program is available for most project types including commercial, institutional, industrial, and multifamily. To qualify, participating projects should be:

  • In Potomac Edison’s service territory
  • New construction, an addition, or a major renovation with a mechanical and lighting systems replacement
  • Larger than 5,000 square feet
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

Complimentary Energy Design Assistance
Customized energy model that simulates energy use to identify strategies with the greatest impact and cost-effectiveness.

Design Team Incentive
We offer a design team participation incentive to offset design team time associated with program participation.

Construction Incentive
For the building owner, based on the annual electric savings, and to help lower costs of implementing strategies.

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: Willdan

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: Yes

5. Post-Audit Required: Yes

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Varies depending on your project's (building's) performance after improvements / upgrades are completed and measured. Funds will reflect your project's (building's) performance.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (Retail Energy Provider) service territory.

  1. Enroll
    Provide your building's basic info in our application.

  2. Preliminary Analysis
    Real-time evaluation of energy-efficiency improvements bundled with whole-building strategies.

  3. Final Analysis
    Pick the best fit for your goals, and we'll analyze energy savings and eligible incentives.

  4. Verify
    We'll confirm your project was built to plan and issue a verification report.

  5. Earn
    Utility incentives are provided for the completed project.

5. Potomac Edison

2023 HVAC Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
2023 HVAC Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (Retail Energy Provider)



To qualify for an incentive, HVAC equipment must:

  • Be used for ambient cooling only
  • Meet or exceed the minimum efficiency rating required for the equipment type and cooling capacity
  • Be installed in a facility owned by a commercial or industrial retail customer of Potomac Edison
  • Meet additional technical requirements outlined in the application

Flat-rate per-unit or per-ton capacity incentives are available for:

  • Air conditioners
  • Chillers
  • Other HVAC equipment
  • Heat pumps
  • VFDs Pre-Approval

To qualify for incentives through the HVAC Incentives for Business Program, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2021, and after receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

The HVAC Incentives for Business Program is offered to Maryland commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers of Potomac Edison to encourage participants to install high-efficiency heating and air conditioning equipment.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Maximum Funds:
  • Retrofit project incentives are capped at the calculated project incentive or up to 50 percent of the total project costs (including labor).

Air Conditioners
> Air Cooled, split and package units = $250 Per Ton
> Water-cooled = $250 Per Ton
> Evaporatively Cooled = $250 Per Ton

Heat Pumps – Air Source
> Air Source = $250 Per Ton

Heat Pumps –Water and Ground Source
> Water Source = $250 Per Ton
> Ground Source || Ground Water Source = Tier 1: $300 || Tier 2: $350 Per Ton

Ductless, Mini Split Heat Pumps
> Ductless, Mini Split Heat Pumps = $150 Per Ton

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC)
> New Construction (Standard size) = $75 - $125 Per Unit
> Replacements (Non-Standard Size) = $75 - $125 Per Unit

Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP)
> New Construction (Standard size) = $75 - $125 Per Unit
> Replacements (Non-Standard Size) = $75 - $125 Per Unit

> Air Cooled Chillers, Water Cooled, Electrically Operated, Positive Displacement, Water Cooled, Electrically Operated, Centrifugal = Base: $30 per Ton , Performance: $10 per Ton for each 0.1 EER point above or for each 0.01 kW below minimum efficiency Full Load or Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV)

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Please allow up to 90 days to receive incentive payment.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (Retail Energy Provider) service territory.

  1. The participant should complete and submit a Program application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings, model, and wattage.
    > W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
    Must be dated within 2 years of application submission date
    Must have an original signature; electronic signatures are not accepted in this program
    > Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rate-related information.
    Must show a breakout of equipment and labor costs
    Must be signed by customer
    Must have description of equipment, proposed quantity, and unit price

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of Program pre-approval email, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient.

  3. Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:
    > Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed (if applicable)
    > Completed letter of attestation.

  4. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application.

6. Potomac Edison

2023 Lighting Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
2023 Lighting Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (TDU)


Eligible Scope:

Available to existing facilities and new construction projects, the Lighting Incentives for Business Program is offered to Maryland commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers of Potomac Edison to encourage participants to install high-efficiency lighting equipment.

Eligible Measure:

  • LED fixtures
  • LED lamps/bulbs
  • LED exit signs
  • Occupancy and lighting controls

All Type B LED Lamps are not eligible for incentives under this program. Type B LEDs are lamps where the wiring from the existing ballast is terminated, the sockets are rewired from the branch circuit, and the LED operates from line voltage supplied directly to the fixture; the LED has an internal driver.

Pre-Approval Requirements

  • All Lighting Incentives for Business Program applications received by the program will require pre-approval before the purchase and installation of materials.

To qualify for incentives through the Lighting Incentives for Business Program, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2021, and after the receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Equipment.

Maximum Funds:
  • New LED linear recessed troffer for 2x2 and 1x4 luminaires = $75 Per Fixture
  • New LED linear recessed troffer for 2x4 luminaires = $100 Per Fixture
  • New LED flat panel for 2x2 and 1x4 luminaires = $50 Per Panel
  • New LED flat panel for 2x4 luminaires = $50 Per Panel
  • New LED linear ambient luminaire with direct and indirect components or Vapor Tight, min. IP65 = $30 Per Foot
  • New LED linear ambient luminaire = $30 Per Foot
  • New LED stairwell luminaire = $100 Per Fixture
  • New LED wall wash luminaire = $30 Per Foot
  • New LED track/mono-point luminaire = $40 Per Head
  • New LED display case luminaire = $40 Per Fixture
  • New LED display case luminaire installed in reach- in coolers/freezers = $50 Per Fixture
  • New LED high/low bay luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 5,000 lm - 9,999 lm = $200 Per Fixture
  • New LED high/low bay luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 10,000 lm - 19,999 lm = $300 Per Fixture
  • New LED high/low bay luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 20,000 lm - 29,999 lm = $400 Per Fixture
  • New LED high/low bay luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 30,000 lm - 39,999 lm = $500 Per Fixture
  • New LED high/low bay luminaire - DLC reported lumens 40,000 lm or more = $600 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens 4,999 lm or less = $150 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 5,000 lm - 9,999 lm = $250 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 10,000 lm - 19,999 lm = $300 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 20,000 lm - 29,999 lm = $400 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens between 30,000 lm - 39,999 lm = $500 Per Fixture
  • New LED exterior luminaire - DLC reported lumens 40,000 lm or more = $600 Per Fixture
  • LED linear retrofit kit for 2x2 and 1x4 fixtures = $25 Per Fixture
  • LED linear retrofit kit for 2x4 fixtures = $45 Per Fixture
  • LED integrated retrofit kit for 2x2 and 1x4 fixtures = $75 Per Fixture
  • LED integrated retrofit kit for 2x4 fixtures = $110 Per Fixture
  • LED integrated flat panel retrofit kit for 2x2 and 1x4 fixtures = $20 Per Panel Kit
  • LED integrated flat panel retrofit kit for 2x4 fixtures = $40 Per Panel Kit
  • LED retrofit kit for linear ambient luminaire = $15 Per Foot
  • LED retrofit kit for high/low bay luminaire = $100 Per Fixture
  • LED retrofit kit for exterior luminaire = $100 Per Fixture
  • New LED ENERGY STAR fixture - 1,499 lm or less = $30 Per Fixture
  • New LED ENERGY STAR fixture - 1,500 lm - 2,999 lm = $50 Per Fixture
  • New LED ENERGY STAR LED fixture - 3,000 lm or greater = $100 Per Fixture
  • LED linear replacement lamp with new LED driver = $10.80 Per Lamp
  • LED mogul-screw base replacement for HID lamps and new external driver = $80 Per Lamp
  • LED linear replacement lamp using internal driver (Type-A) = $6.80 Per Lamp
  • LED pin-base replacement lamp for CFL = $8.50 Per Lamp
  • LED A lamp = $4.00 Per Lamp
  • LED Decorative or Globe lamp = $5.00 Per Lamp
  • LED MR lamp = $5.00 Per Lamp
  • LED PAR lamp $5 per lamp - PAR20; = $10 per lamp - PAR30 & PAR38 Per Lamp
  • Exterior/Dusk-to-Dawn application = $2 Per Watt Reduced
  • Interior application = $2 Per Watt Reduced
  • 24-hour operation = $2 Per Watt Reduced
  • Networked lighting control system controlling efficient luminaires = $0.60 Per Watt Control
  • Networked lighting control w/local or cloud server required = $60 Per Fixture
  • Networked lighting control - w/local or cloud server required - lower wattage fixtures/downlights = $30 Per Fixture
  • Networked lighting control no server required = $50 Per Fixture
  • Networked lighting control no server required - lower wattage fixtures/downlights = $10 Per Fixture
  • Occupancy Controls $20 - $50
  • Exit Signs = $23 Per Unit
  • Linear Fluorescent HE T8 = $15 Per Fixture
  • Street & Area Lighting (Customer owned) = $200 Unit
  • LED Illuminated Signage (Backlit/Flat Screen/Wet Erase) = $10 Per SF. of Screen
  • LED Traffic Signals = $35 Lamp
  • Lighting - Other = $0.05 per kWh saved Per kWh
  • Lighting – Custom = $0.05 per kWh saved Per kWh

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Assumes the project timeline. Varies depending on scope of the project.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Please allow up to 90 days to receive incentive payment.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (TDU) service territory.

  1. The participant should complete and submit a Lighting Program application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
    > Potomac Edison lighting calculator spreadsheet. (This requirement is waived for projects involving only the installation of LED channel letter signage.)
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings.
    > Letter attesting to the facility hours of operation (if applicable)
    > W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
    > Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rate-related information.

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of a Program pre-approval email, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient equipment.

  3. Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:
    > Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed (if applicable).
    > Revised Potomac Edison lighting calculator spreadsheet. (This requirement is waived if no changes were made during construction.)
    > Completed letter of attestation

  4. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application. Apply online or contact us at 855-801-5803 for assistance.

7. Potomac Edison

Consumer Electronics (Existing Buildings)
Consumer Electronics (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (TDU)



  • To qualify for incentives through the Consumer Electronics Incentives for Business Program, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2021, and after receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

Eligible Measures and Incentives

Incentives may be available for the following equipment:

  • ENERGY STAR® certified monitors, computers and imaging
  • Small network software (network power management enabler)
  • Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

Pre-approval Requirements

  • All Consumer Electronics Incentives for Business Program applications received by the Program Administrator require pre-approval before the installation of equipment.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Equipment.

Maximum Funds:
  • Advanced Power Strips Tier 1&2 = $20 Per Unit
  • Monitors = $5 Per Unit
  • Computers = $5 Per Unit
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) = $40 Per kVA
  • Imaging = $10 Per Unit
  • Small Network PC Controller = $15 Per PC Controlled

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: Program Ally

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Assumes the project timeline. Varies depending on scope of the project.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Please allow up to 90 days to receive incentive payment.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (TDU) service territory.

  1. The participant should complete and submit a Consumer Electronics program application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings.
    > W-9 tax form for the incentive payee > Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost- and rate-related information.

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of Program pre-approval email, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient equipment.

  3. Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:
    > Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed
    > Completed letter of attestation.

  4. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application.

Apply online or contact us at 855-801-5803 for assistance.

8. Potomac Edison

Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)
Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (TDU)


The Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program is offered to Maryland commercial, industrial, governmental and institutional customers of Potomac Edison to encourage participants to install high-efficiency equipment.

Typical participants in the Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program include grocery, convenience stores and restaurants, as well as schools, hospitals and lodging facilities that include food service equipment.

To qualify for incentives through this program, equipment must have been purchased and installed after January 1, 2021, and after receipt of a formal pre-approval letter from the Program Administrator.

Eligible Measures and Incentives

  • ENERGY STAR® certified solid and glass door reach-in refrigerators and freezers, ice machines, electric steam cookers, hot food-holding cabinets, combination and convection ovens, beverage vending machines and fat fryers
  • Anti-sweat heat controls
  • Night covers
  • Strip curtains
  • Vending machine controls
  • Pre-rinse sprayers
  • Strip curtains
  • Refrigerated case covers
  • Reach-in freezer/refrigerator LED lighting
  • Occupancy controls for reach-in freezer/refrigerator lighting

Pre-Approval Requirements
All Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program applications received by the Program Administrator require pre-approval before the installation of equipment.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

Equipment Description || Incentive || Unit

Refrigeration Measures

  • Anti-Sweat Heat Control || $50 || Per Door
  • ECM Evaporator Fan Motor || $75 || Per Unit
  • Evaporator/Compressor Controller || $1,000 || Per Cooler
  • Evaporator Fan Controller || $100 || Per Unit
  • Night Covers - Open Reach-In Coolers || $8 || Per Linear ft, up to $500
  • Strip Curtains for Walk-In Coolers and Freezers || $5 || Per Sq. Ft.

Commercial Dishwashers

  • High Temperature Under Counter || $300 || Per Unit
  • High Temperature Door Type || $500 || Per Unit
  • High Temperature Single Tank Conveyor || $700 || Per Unit
  • Low Temperature Under Counter || $75 || Per Unit
  • Low Temperature Door Type || $400 || Per Unit
  • Low Temperature Single Tank Conveyor || $400 || Per Unit
  • Low Temperature Multi Tank Conveyor || $600 || Per Unit

Fat Fryers

  • Open Deep Fat Fryers || $250 || Per Unit
  • Large Vat Fryers || $250 || Per Unit
  • Griddles || $300 || Per Unit

Insulated Holding Cabinets

  • Full-Size Cabinets || $400 || Per Unit
  • Three-Quarter Size Cabinets || $300 || Per Unit
  • Half-Size Cabinets || $250 || Per Unit

Ice Machine

  • CEE Tier I < 450 lbs. per 24 hrs. || $75 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier I 450-1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs. || $150 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier I > 1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs. || $200 Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Cube & Nugget ( < 450 lbs. per 24hrs.) || $100 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Cube & Nugget (450-1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs.) || $150 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Cube & Nugget ( > 1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs.) || $200 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Flake ( < 450 lbs. per 24 hrs.) || $150 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Flake (450-1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs.) || $250 || Per Unit
  • CEE Tier II Flake ( > 1,000 lbs. per 24 hrs.) || $300 || Per Unit


  • Convection Ovens || $400 || Per Unit
  • Combination Ovens || $1,200 || Per Unit

Solid Door Reach-In

  • Refrigerators < 19 cubic ft. || $100 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 19-20 cubic ft. || $100 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 21-60 cubic ft. || $150 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 61-90 cubic ft. || $225 || Per Unit
  • Freezers < 19 cubic ft. || $100 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 19-20 cubic ft. || $200 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 21-60 cubic ft. || $350 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 61-90 cubic ft. || $500 || Per Unit

Glass Door Reach-In

  • Refrigerators < 19 cubic ft. || $75 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 19-20 cubic ft. || $100 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 21-60 cubic ft. || $125 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerators 61-90 cubic ft. || $150 || Per Unit
  • Freezers < 19 cubic ft. || $100 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 19-20 cubic ft. || $200 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 21-60 cubic ft. || $250 || Per Unit
  • Freezers 61-90 cubic ft. || $300 || Per Unit

Steam Cookers

  • Steam Cookers || $125 || Per Pan

Beverage Vending Machine

  • Beverage Vending Machine || $75 || Per Unit

Vending Machine Controls

  • Non-Refrigerated || $50 || Per Unit
  • Refrigerated || $100 || Per Unit

Induction Warmer/Rethermalizer Well

  • Induction Warmer/Rethermalizer Well || $200 || Per Unit

Coffee Brewers

  • Coffee Brewers || $100 || Per Unit

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: Yes

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Payment typically received within 4-6 weeks.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Food Service and Commercial Kitchens Incentives for Business Program (TDU) service territory.

  1. The participant should complete and submit a program application online and upload required documents through the application portal. The following documents are required for a pre-approval:
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for the proposed equipment. Please highlight all relevant information such as the equipment efficiency ratings.
    > W-9 tax form for the incentive payee
    > Copy of utility bill to con?rm account number and service address. If desired, the participant may obscure all cost and rate related information.

  2. The Program Administrator will notify the applicant via email when the review is complete and funds have been reserved. Upon receipt of Program pre-approval email, participants may purchase and install their energy-efficient equipment.

  3. Once the project is complete, the participant should review the approved application for any changes to the project that occurred during installation and make any needed corrections. The following final documentation should be submitted to the Program Administrator for review:
    > Detailed, itemized invoices or proofs of purchase for the equipment installed
    > Manufacturers’ specification (cut) sheets for any additional equipment installed
    > Completed letter of attestation

  4. Upon receipt and verification of all required documentation, the incentive check will be processed and mailed to the applicant or to an authorized representative, if requested on the application.

9. Potomac Edison

Instant Discounts (Existing Buildings)
Instant Discounts (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Potomac Edison (TDU)


Eligible Measures and Incentives

Instant Lighting Discounts are available for:

  • LED Type A-lamps
  • LED Specialty lamps, Type MR, BR, PAR, R, decorative and globe
  • LED High and Low Bay Fixtures
  • E39 mogul base lamps
  • LED Linear fixtures and retrofit kits
  • LED Linear tubes, Type A LEDs
  • LED Exterior wall pack and floods

Lighting products must be listed on DLC 4.3 or ENERGY STAR® 2.1.

Instant HVAC Discounts are available for:

  • Air Source Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
  • Ductless Mini-Splits
  • Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC)
  • Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP)

Pre-Approval Requirements

  • Pre-approval must be submitted and approved before completing the sale for all lighting projects that exceed $1,800 in incentive funds.
  • Pre-approval is not required for HVAC equipment.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Equipment.

Maximum Funds:

LED Reflector/Globe

  • BR30 $5 Per Unit
  • MR16, MRx16 = $5 Per Unit
  • PAR16 = $6 Per Unit
  • PAR20, PAR30 = $5,$8 Per Unit
  • PAR38 = $8 Per Unit
  • R20, R30, R40 = $5,$5,$6 Per Unit
  • Globe = $5 Per Unit
  • LED Downlight Retrofit Kit = $15 Per Unit

LED A-Line

  • A-Line = 1,600 Lumens = $4 Per Unit
  • A-Line > 1,600 Lumens = $6 Per Unit

LED High/Low Bays

  • 150W Replacement: 3,950 - 11,250 Lumens = $30 Per Unit
  • 250W Replacement: 11,251 - 20,350 Lumens = $50 Per Unit
  • 400W Replacement: 20,351 - 58,050 Lumens = $80 Per Unit *Type A, E39 Mogul Base Products: LED 100W/150W Replacement: 3,950 - 15,750 Lumens = $30 Per Unit
  • Type A, E39 Mogul Base Products: LED 250W/400W Replacement: 15,751 - 58,050 Lumens = $50 Per Unit

Fixtures and Kits

  • 2 ft. 1,500 - 5,500 Lumens = $15 Per Unit
  • 4 ft. Up to 9,400 Lumens = $30 Per Unit

Pin-Based CFL Replacements

  • CFLED, 2 and 4 Pin, Vertical and Horizontal, Biax and 2G11 Base, All Lumens = $6 Per Unit


  • LED Lamps 2-8 ft. All Lumen Ranges = $4 - $10 Per Unit

LED Exterior Wall Packs, Floods and Area Lights

  • Replacement for <= 100W- Exterior Luminaire 4,999 lm or less = $25 Per Unit
  • Replacement for >100/<150W - Exterior Luminaire 5,000 – 9,999 lm = $38 Per Unit
  • Replacement for >150/< 250W - Exterior Luminaire 10,000 – 19,999 lm = $50 Per Unit
  • Replacement for >250W/<400W - Exterior Luminaire 20,000 – 29,999 lm = $75 Per Unit
  • Replacement for 400W- Exterior Luminaire 30,000 – 39,999 lm = $88 Per Unit
  • Replacement for > 400W/<=1000W - Exterior Luminaire 40,000 lm and more = $100 Per Unit
  • Type A, E39 Mogul Base Products: LED 100W/150W Replacement: 3,950 - 15,750 Lumens = $30 Per Unit
  • Type A, E39 Mogul Base Products: LED 250W/400W Replacement: 15,751 - 58,050 Lumens = $50 Per Unit

Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps

  • Air Source Air Conditioner, split and package units <5.4 tons 16 SEER = $200 Per Ton
  • Air Source Air Conditioner, split and package units =5.4 and >11.25 tons 14 SEER = $200 Per Ton
  • Air Source Air Conditioner, split and package units =11.25 and <20 tons 13.2 SEER = $200 Per Ton
  • Air Source Heat Pumps, split and package units =5.4 tons 16 SEER and 9 HSPF (split), 16 SEER and 8.2 HSPF (single package) = $200 Per Ton
  • Air Source Heat Pumps, split and package units =5.4 and >11.25 tons 13 SEER = $200 Per Ton
  • Air Source Heat Pumps, split and package units =11.25 and <20 tons 12 SEER = $200 Per Ton

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC)

  • New Construction (Standard Size)
    < 3/4 tons - =1 tons = $60 - $100
  • Replacements (Non-Standard Size)
    < 3/4 tons - =1 tons = $60 - $100

Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHP)

  • New Construction (Standard Size)
    < 3/4 tons - =1 tons = $60 - $100
  • Replacements (Non-Standard Size)
    < 3/4 tons - =1 tons = $60 - $100

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: Work w/ a Potomac Edison authorized distributor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: No application necessary.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Instant rebate is received at time of purchase.

NOTE: Make sure you are in the Potomac Edison (TDU) service territory.

  1. No application is required. The Instant Discount is applied at the point of purchase at a participating distributor. Participants may choose to purchase and install equipment themselves or use a contractor, who will work with a participating distributor to obtain the instant discount.

  2. Call or Visit a Participating Distributor. Provide the following information:
    > Potomac Edison account number
    > Name and address of the business where the products will be installed
    > Contact name and number
    > Once information is validated, the discount will be automatically applied to the purchase price.
    > Find a distributor

  3. Install Equipment. Qualified products and equipment must be installed within 90 days following the purchase. Potomac Edison and/or its program administrators reserve the right to verify the installation of the equipment that was purchased by the participant and rebated by the Instant Discount. View our FAQs

No application is required for this incentive.

CITY: Frederick

Organization - Incentive Name Eligible Scope Estimated Funds Estimated Time Next Steps to Capture APPLY Services
10. Frederick Economic Development

Commercial and Industrial Business Real Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
Commercial and Industrial Business Real Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Frederick Economic Development

301 600 1380

Qualifying conditions

  • To qualify for the credit, the commercial or industrial business must make a substantial investment in expanding or developing and operating a facility within the City.
  • The commercial or industrial business seeking the credit for a facility must apply on or before October 1 of the tax year for which the facility is first eligible for the credit.
  • The facility must be in continual operation throughout each tax year for which the credit is granted.
  • The facility must be lawfully used for manufacturing, fabricating or assembling purposes, as such terms are defined for purposes of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Tax-Property Article.
  • Both single and multiple use properties are eligible to qualify for the credit, assuming all other eligibility requirements are met, although multiple use properties will only be eligible to receive a credit on the facility portion of the property devoted to active manufacturing, fabricating or assembling purposes.
  • The commercial or industrial business responsible for the qualifying facility and the owner of the real property where the facility is located, if other than the commercial or industrial business, must, if requested by the City, enter into a tax credit agreement with the City.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by project

Maximum Funds:

Amount and duration of credit

  • A facility shall be eligible for the credit for a term not to exceed 10 consecutive years after first qualifying for the credit. The first tax year the credit is available for a qualifying facility will be the first full tax year in which its City property taxes would increase due to the substantial investment in new construction or an improvement to an existing facility (the "first tax year"). The last tax year the credit is available will be the tenth tax year that follows the increase in City real property tax due to the substantial investment in the facility.
  • The amount of a tax credit granted under this section is a percentage of the incremental tax, as specified in Table 1 of this paragraph. For purposes of this section, the "incremental tax" means the property tax increase attributable to the increase in the assessment of the facility. The increase in the assessment of the facility is the assessment after the substantial investment was made to the facility, in accordance with this section and attributable to that substantial investment, minus the assessment before the substantial investment was made to the qualifying facility.

Tax Credit Percentage of Incremental Tax (%) || 20% || 40% || 60% || 80% || 100%

  • New Investment ($) || at least $100,000 || at least $3,000,000 || at least $5,000,000 || at least $10,000,000 || at least $15,000,000
  • Net New Full-Time Jobs || at least 3 net new jobs || at least 10 net new jobs at least 25 net new jobs || at least 50 net new jobs at least 100 net new jobs

Application period

1/1/2023 - 10/31/2022

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. It is recommended to always work through a certified professional.

  2. To apply contact the office by calling: 301-600-1380

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

11. Frederick Economic Development

High Performance Buildings Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
High Performance Buildings Property Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Frederick Economic Development



Tax-Property Article, § 9-242, which authorizes municipal corporations to grant a tax credit against the municipal corporation property tax imposed on a high performance building and to provide for the amount and duration of the credit, the criteria and qualifications necessary to receive the credit, and any other provision necessary to carry out the grant of authority.

The following words have the meanings indicated:

  • Director" means the City's Director of Public Works or the Director's designee.
  • "High performance building" means a building that achieves:
    > A silver, gold or platinum rating from the USGBC for LEED-BD+C, LEED-ID+C, LEED-HOMES, or LEED-O+M or equivalent; or
    > An energy and environmental design standard that the Director finds is equivalent to a silver, gold or platinum rating from the USGBC for LEED-BD+C, LEED-ID+C, LEED-HOMES, or LEED-O+M or equivalent.
  • "LEED-BD+C" means the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Building Design and Construction rating system (or its successor) administered by the USGBC.
  • "LEED-ID+C" means the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Interior Design and Construction rating system (or its successor) administered by the USGBC.
  • "LEED-HOMES" means the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Homes rating system (or its successor) administered by the USGBC.
  • "LEED-O+M" means the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Operations and Maintenance rating system (or its successor) administered by the USGBC.
  • "USGBC" means the US Green Building Council.

Full Program Details

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Maximum Funds:

This applies to a high performance building certified under the LEED-BD+C, LEED-ID+C, or LEED-HOMES standard or an equivalent standard. Subject to the provisions of this section, the credit is as follows:

  • 25% of the property tax owed on the building for five (5) years, if the building achieves a silver rating.
  • 50% of the property tax owed on the building for five (5) years, if the building achieves a gold rating.
  • 75% of the property tax owed on the building for five (5) years, if the building achieves a platinum rating.

This applies to a high performance building certified under the LEED-O+M standard or an equivalent standard. Subject to the provisions of this section, the credit is as follows:

  • 10% of the property tax owed on the building for three (3) years, if the building achieves the silver rating.
  • 25% of the property tax owed on the building for three (3) years, if the building achieves the gold rating.
  • 50% of the property tax owed on the building for three (3) years, if the building achieves the platinum rating.

The tax credits granted will not exceed a total of ($250,000.00).

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. A taxpayer must apply for the credit for a building within one year after the building is certified as a high performance building.
    > Download Application (PDF)

  2. Applications must be submitted to the Department of Finance in accordance with any applicable administrative regulations.

  3. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.

  4. If the City cannot grant the entire amount requested without exceeding the applicable annual limit, the maximum allowable amount will be granted in the current fiscal year and the remainder may be granted the following year.

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

12. Frederick Economic Development

Vacant Commercial Property Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
Vacant Commercial Property Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Frederick Economic Development


To be eligible to receive a tax credit under this section, a property must meet this criteria:

  • To be eligible for a tax credit under this section, a property must be zoned for commercial use or mixed uses.
  • A stand-alone, single-occupant commercial structure must be fully vacant and must have been constructed no fewer than five (5) years before the submission of an application by the property owner.
  • A multiple-tenant commercial structure must have not less than twenty-five (25) percent of the gross leasable square footage vacant and must have been constructed no fewer than five (5) years prior to the submission of an application by the property owner. In the case of multiple commercial structures on a single lot, the first building constructed on the lot must have been constructed no fewer than five (5) years prior to submission of an application by the property owner.
  • Eligible structures shall have been vacant and actively listed for lease or sale with a commercial broker for a period of not less than eighteen (18) of the prior twenty-four (24) months prior to commencement of rehabilitation or application for this vacant commercial structures rehabilitation tax credit.
  • All property owners seeking to use property tax credits provided herein shall agree to provide for pedestrian and vehicular connections to adjacent commercial properties unless determined to be not feasible by the Planning Department. The Planning Department shall coordinate pedestrian and vehicular connection among properties.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

Exemption rates
The subject property will be exempt from the City real estate taxation based on the increase in assessed valuation of the subject property attributable to rehabilitation as determined by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation and according to the following schedule:

Years || < $1.0 million || $1.0 to $4.0 million || > $4.0 million

  • Year 1 || 100% || 100% || 100%
  • Year 2 || 100% ||100% || 100%
  • Year 3 || 100% || 100% || 100%
  • Year 4 || 80% || 100% || 100%
  • Year 5 || 60% || 75% || 100%
  • Year 6 || 40% || 50% || 66%
  • Year 7 || 20% || 25% || 33%
  • Year 8 || 0% || 0% || 0%

Application period

1/1/2023 - 10/31/2022

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. It is recommended to always work through a certified professional.

  2. Following the completion of project work, submit application and all back-up documentation by April 30th for the tax credit to be applied on the following Fiscal Year’s bill.

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

COUNTY: Frederick County

Organization - Incentive Name Eligible Scope Estimated Funds Estimated Time Next Steps to Capture APPLY Services
13. Frederick County Office of Economic Development

2023 Facade Improvement Grants (Existing Buildings)
2023 Facade Improvement Grants (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Frederick County Office of Economic Development

Facade Improvement Grants provide a business owner up to 50% in matching funds for the improvement of their facades (painting, awnings, lighting, signage, masonry/door/window repair) in designated Maryland Main Street communities. Contact us and find out if your location qualifies.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by project.

Maximum Funds:

up to 50% in matching funds

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. Contact us and find out if your location qualifies.
14. Frederick County Office of Economic Development

2023 Fast Track Permitting (Existing Buildings)
2023 Fast Track Permitting (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Frederick County Office of Economic Development

Fast Track Permitting is an economic development tool used to expedite projects through the development process while adhering to all established standards.

Eligible Projects

  • Commercial (non-retail)
  • Industrial
  • Small Business (>50 employees) and >$5M in annual sales

Eligible Job Creation

  • 1-20
  • 21-50
  • 51-100
  • 101+

Eligible Industry

  • Advanced Technology
  • Agriculture
  • Bioscience
  • Education
  • Green/Renewable/Sustainable Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Leisure & Hospitality
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional & Business Services

Eligible Capital Expenditure

  • >$500,000
  • $500,000 to $1,000,0000
  • $1,000,001 to $5,000,000
  • $5,000,001+
Minimum Funds:

Varies by project.

Maximum Funds:

Varies by project.

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: No financial incentive offered.
  1. Verify your eligibility.

  2. To apply, fill out this form.

  3. Approved applicants will meet with the appropriate staff to discuss project scope and details prior to plan submission.

APPLY Services are not offered for this incentive. The owner/installer must do the application.

15. Frederick County Office of Economic Development

Project Restore (Existing Buildings)
Project Restore (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Frederick County Office of Economic Development


Project Restore provided two grant opportunities for businesses that opened or expanded into previously vacant spaces:

  • Property Assistance Grant: Awarded grant funds will be used to support rent, mortgage, property insurance or utilities based on whether the applicant will lease, purchase or already owns the vacant property they will occupy.

  • Business Operations Grant: Awarded grant funds will be used for activities and costs related to sustaining and growing the business in the previously vacant property it now occupies. Funds can be used to support staff costs, capital improvements, marketing, inventory and supplies, utilities and the like and cannot be used for executive salaries or bonuses.

The Department made 352 awards to businesses in Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City.

View Project Restore Data Dashboard.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Maximum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Application period

1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. Verify your eligibility.

  2. For Inquiries, contact:
    Frederick County Office of Economic Development
    118 N Market St, Suite 300
    Frederick, MD 21701

STATE: Maryland

Organization - Incentive Name Eligible Scope Estimated Funds Estimated Time Next Steps to Capture APPLY Services
16. Comptroller of Maryland

2025 Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
2025 Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Comptroller of Maryland


This credit is allowed if a Maryland facility is originally placed in service or initially began co-firing, during the period of January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2018 and produces electricity during the tax year primarily using qualified energy resources derived from:

  • Wind
  • Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Biomass, including:
    > Any non-hazardous waste material that is segregated from other waste materials and is derived from any of the following forest-related resources: Mill residues, forest thinnings, slash, brush, waste pallets, crates, and dunnage and landscape or right-of-way trimmings
    > Agricultural sources, including but not limited to, orchard tree crops, vineyard grain, sugar, and other crop by-products and residues.
    > Methane gas or other combustible gases resulting from the decomposition of organic materials from an agricultural operation or from a landfill or a wastewater treatment plant using one, or a combination, of anaerobic decomposition or thermal decomposition.
    > Biomass facilities may NOT use old growth timber, or mill residues consisting of sawdust or wood shavings.
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Solar Energy
  • Small Irrigation Power
  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Qualified Hydropower

The business must apply for and receive an initial credit certificate from the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) before claiming this credit. The initial credit certificate must state the amount of electricity the taxpayer expects to produce in a qualified Maryland facility over a five-year period. The total amount of the credit specified in the initial credit certificate cannot exceed $2.5 million and must be a minimum of $1,000.

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

The credit is $0.0085 (85/100 of one cent) for each kilowatt hour (or 85 cents for every 100 kilowatt hours) of electricity produced at a Maryland facility using qualified energy resources during the five-year period specified in the initial credit certification.

The annual tax credit may not exceed one-fifth (1/5) of the maximum amount of credit stated in the initial credit certificate. If the credit is more than the state tax liability, the excess credit may be refunded.

The MEA cannot issue an initial credit certificates after December 31, 2015, and may not issue an initial credit certificate for a credit amount less than $1,000.

Application period

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: Yes

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. It is recommended to always work through a certified professional.

  2. To determine if your project is eligible contact the Maryland Energy Administration by:
    Phone: 410-260-7207

  3. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012, this credit is available only on an electronically-filed income tax return for the tax year in which the credit is being claimed. A copy of the initial credit certificate issued by the MEA must be included with the electronic return, and the Form 500CR section of the return must be completed.

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

17. Maryland Energy Administration

2025 Maryland Energy Storage Income Tax Credit Program (Existing Buildings)
2025 Maryland Energy Storage Income Tax Credit Program (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Abigail Antonini

Maryland Energy Administration


The program is designed to encourage the deployment of energy storage systems in Maryland.

Eligible Applicants

  • The owner of a commercial property who purchases and installs an energy storage system on the commercial property; or
  • The owner of a residential property who purchases and installs an energy storage system on the residential property.

The Program is open to the following taxpayers that have leased an energy storage system:

  • An individual or a corporation that owns or pays for the installation of an energy storage system that supplies electrical energy intended for use on the residential or commercial property on which the energy storage system is installed.

Eligible System Technology
An energy storage tax credit may be claimed for qualifying systems that store the following types of energy:

  • Electrical energy;
  • Mechanical energy;
  • Chemical energy (including electrochemical energy); and,
  • Thermal energy that was once electrical energy.

Ineligible System Technology
An energy storage tax credit may not be claimed for the types of energy storage systems listed below. It is within MEA’s sole discretion to determine if an energy storage system is eligible for a residential or commercial tax credit.

  • Mobile energy storage systems, including but not limited, to electric vehicles and recreational camping equipment.
  • An electric hot water heater except for those participating in a demand response program.

System Use
All energy storage systems must store energy for the following purposes:

  • For use as electrical energy at a later date; or, I- n a process that offsets electricity use at peak times.

TY 2024 Funding Opportunity Announcement
TY 2024 Authorized Applicant Signature Form

Minimum Funds:

Varies by project.

Maximum Funds:

Tax Credit Calculations
Energy storage tax credit certificates are calculated differently for systems installed on residential and commercial properties. A tax credit certificate is calculated as the lower amount of:

  • 30 percent of the total installed costs of the energy storage system; or,
  • $5,000 for an energy storage system installed on a residential property; or,
  • $150,000 for an energy storage system installed on a commercial property.

Click Here to view the Tax Credit Example Calculation Fact Sheet

MEA may award a total of $750,000 in tax credit certificates during a given tax year.

Application period

1/1/2025 - 1/15/2025

1. Funding is depleted (The deadline for receipt by MEA of applications for Tax Year 2024 is January 15, 2025, at 3:00 P.M. EST. )

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. Check your eligibility.

  2. To apply for the tax credit, via an online application portal called Jotform, please click the link below to start your application.
    Click Here to Apply

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

18. Maryland Energy Administration

2025 Maryland Green Building Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
2025 Maryland Green Building Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Third Party Expert

Sean Golding

Maryland Energy Administration

(800) 776-8264


Allowable costs - means amounts properly chargeable to capital account, other than for land, that are paid or incurred on or after July 1, 2001, for:

  • Construction or rehabilitation
  • Commissioning costs
  • Interest paid or incurred during the construction or rehabilitation period
  • Architectural, engineering, and other professional fees allocable to construction or rehabilitation
  • Closing costs for construction, rehabilitation, or mortgage loans
  • Recording taxes and filing fees incurred with respect to construction or rehabilitation; and
  • Finishes and furnishings consistent with the regulations adopted by the Administration under this section, lighting, plumbing, electrical wiring, and ventilation.

Eligible building - means a building located in the State that:

  • A building used primarily for nonresidential purposes if the building contains at least 20,000 square feet of interior space;
  • A residential multifamily building with at least 12 dwelling units that contains at least 20,000 square feet of interior space; or
  • Any combination of buildings described in item 1 or 2 of this item;
  • In the case of a newly constructed building for which a certificate of occupancy was not issued before July 1, 2001:
  • is located on a qualified brownfields site, as defined under § 5-301 of the Economic Development Article; or
  • is located in a priority funding area under § 5-7B-02 of the State Finance and Procurement Article; and
  • is not located on wetlands, the alteration of which requires a permit under § 404 of the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1344; and

In the case of a rehabilitation of a building:

  • Is located in a priority funding area under § 5-7B-02 of the State Finance and Procurement Article or on a qualified brownfields site as defined under § 5-301 of the Economic Development Article; or
  • Is not an increase of more than 25% in the square footage of the building.

Qualifying alternate energy sources - means building-integrated and nonbuilding-integrated photovoltaic modules, wind turbines, and fuel cells installed to serve the base building or tenant space that:

  • Have the capability to monitor their actual power output;
  • Are fully commissioned upon installation, and annually thereafter, to ensure that the systems meet their design specifications; and
  • In the case of wind turbines, meet any applicable noise ordinances.

The credit may not be allowed for any taxable year unless:

  • The taxpayer has obtained and filed an initial credit certificate and an eligibility certificate issued.
  • A certificate of occupancy for the building has been issued; and
  • The property with respect to which the credit is claimed is in service during the taxable year.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

Amount of credit - Green whole building

  • $ 120 per square foot for that portion of the building that comprises the base building; and\
  • $ 60 per square foot for that portion of the building that comprises the tenant space.

Amount of credit - Green base building

  • The allowable costs used to determine the credit amount allowed under this subsection for a green base building may not exceed, in the aggregate, $ 120 per square foot.

Amount of credit - Green tenant space

  • The allowable costs used to determine the credit amount allowed under this subsection for green tenant space may not exceed, in the aggregate, $ 60 per square foot.
  • If an owner and tenant both incur allowable costs for tenant improvements under this subsection and the costs exceed $ 60 per square foot in the aggregate,

Amount of credit - Fuel cell

  • The costs used to determine the credit amount allowed under this subsection for installation of a fuel cell:
    > May not exceed $ 1,000 per kilowatt of installed DC rated capacity of the fuel cell; and

The costs used to determine the credit amount allowed under this subsection for installation of photovoltaic modules:

  • May not exceed the product obtained by multiplying $ 3 times the number of watts included in the DC rated capacity of the photovoltaic modules; and

Application period

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

1. Application period is open (All applications will be considered based on energy merits and first-come, first-served basis within the application period.)

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. Check Eligibility

  2. You need to meet the minimum requirements for qualification, the final design and construction of the building may change.

  3. If the documents fail to demonstrate the building meets the minimum requirements or if the owner of the Initial Credit Certificate does not provide the documentation in a timely manner, the Energy Administration, at its discretion, in writing, may revoke the Initial Credit Certificate.

  4. What happens if my application is considered incomplete?
    > You will be notified of such, and you may resubmit your application with the missing components at any time before the application period is over .

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

19. Maryland Energy Administration

2025 Solar Canopy and Dual Use Technology Grant Program (Existing Buildings)
2025 Solar Canopy and Dual Use Technology Grant Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

David Comis

Maryland Energy Administration

410 537 4064

Eligible Applicants

  • Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations
  • Nonprofit Educational Institutions
  • State of Maryland Agencies
  • Local Governments
  • Public Universities
  • Community Colleges
  • Public Schools
  • Farmers / Agricultural Operations with Sole Proprietorships (individuals that file a Schedule F with their Federal Income Tax and have an Agricultural Nutrient Management Plan on file with the State of Maryland)

Eligible Activities

  • Grantees will either directly, or through the use of Power Purchase Agreements, install solar photovoltaic systems that provide a dual-use to parking lots, parking garages, or bodies of water. While solar canopies over parking lots and floating solar installations are specifically included, other dual use opportunities may be proposed for consideration. The minimum project size is 75 kW-dc.

Anticipated Program Budget:

  • MEA anticipates providing at least $1,400,000 in grants from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF). However, this amount may be increased based on the quality and quantity of applications received.

Program-Specific Requirements:


  • Solar canopy: A structure over a parking lot or a parking garage allowing vehicles to park directly under the solar panels. It does not consist of putting solar panels over the existing structural roof of a parking garage.

Restrictions and Limitations:

  • When a city, county, or State government is the site owner, the site owner shall receive all funds and shall be responsible for all determinations of Sections §§14-416 and 17-303 of the State Finance and Procurement Article (as applicable).
  • At least one person certified as a Solar PV Installer by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners ('NABCEP') must be involved in the design and/or installation of the solar array. Applicants will be required to provide the name and certification number of this individual.
  • The Grantee receiving funding is responsible for submitting all reporting documents, including invoices, to MEA.
  • Only one MEA grant may be awarded per project.
  • Projects will be given up to 2 years to be completed. When necessary, extensions may be requested from MEA at least two months prior to the expiration of the existing grant.
  • For solar canopy projects, the Project includes at least four (4) new qualified Level II or Level III EV charging stations located in the same parking lot or on the same parking structure as the solar canopy. (The requirement for the location of the chargers may be waived by MEA.)
  • The applicant must be able to exhibit control of the proposed project site, either as proof that the parking lot is owned or leased (with at least 25 years remaining after the expected completion of the project construction) by the applicant.
  • The applicant must be able to exhibit a signed contract with an installing contractor/developer. This contract may be contingent on receipt of this grant. However, for State or local government agencies that must use a Request for Proposal, provide a letter of commitment, signed by a senior official from the state or local agency, documenting the agency’s commitment to the project (in place of the signed contract).
  • For State and Local Government entities, the proposed project site shall have a minimum load of 150,000 kWh/year attributed to an on-site State or local government agency electric meter. If a Local Government entity is using Aggregate Net Energy Metering, then an aggregated minimum load of 150,000 kWh/year must be attributed to the aggregated bill.
  • A Maryland Historical Trust review must be completed without an adverse finding before grant funding may be awarded.
  • The solar system must meet minimum system requirements as specified in IEEE 1547 and the National Electric Code.
  • Each component of the system(s) must be listed or labeled by a recognized national testing laboratory.
Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project

Maximum Funds:

MEA anticipates providing at least $4,798,603 in grants from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEIF). However, some funding is restricted by statute. For more information, please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement below.?

Application period

1/1/2024 - 10/30/2024

1. Application period is closed (All applications are currently under evaluation. MEA expects to announce projects selected for awards in the near future. Please periodically check this webpage for updates.)

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: Yes

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. The MEA Program Manager will assemble a Review Team of at least 3 qualified program managers, energy specialists or other professionals. Individuals from outside MEA may be included at the Program Manager’s discretion. All team members will review each application using the Application Review Checklist. Projects are ranked from highest to lowest. Despite the ranking, the review team members may still recommend against an award. Any recommendation against an award will be discussed by all team members during an in-person (or virtual) meeting. A majority vote of the team members will be required to disqualify an application for cause. Any disqualification for cause will be documented in the award recommendation memo to the Director (MEA). The review team will recommend applications for funding based on the amount of funding available. The review team may, at its sole discretion, recommend one or more additional projects (in order) for funding, if funding becomes available before the end of the fiscal year. The Program Manager will make recommendations to the Director, incorporating input from the Review Team. In the event of a disagreement, the dissenting concerns will be included in the recommendation memo to the director.

  2. The following documents are required as part of the application package. In the event of a purchased system the site owner will also be the system owner.
    > A Completed application Workbook (Excel).
    > Copy of the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) Certificate of Good Standing for the site owner, the solar system installer, and the system owner.
    > For businesses or non-profits using a 3rd party owned system, a signed contract or letter of intent between the Site Owner and System Owner. The letter of intent must include at least the location and estimated capacity of the solar system.
    > For State Agencies and Local Government, evidence of state agency or local government commitment in the form of a signed contract with a system owner, OR a letter of commitment from a senior level agency or local government official who is authorized to act on behalf of the state agency or local government. If a signed contract is not included, provide an overview of the state agency or local government's procurement process, which includes steps, approvals that must be obtained, and an approximate timeline for each step of the process. The Letter of Intent must include at least the location and estimated capacity of the solar system. If a Power Purchase Agreement is being considered, a State or Local Government entity that must still go through a procurement process must state that their electricity price expectations should be available on the open market (and provide the basis for this expectation).
    > For businesses or non-profits, a copy of an itemized and signed contract or letter of intent between the System Owner and Installing Contractor. The Letter of Intent must include at least the location and estimated capacity of the solar system. If a state or local government applicant already has a signed contract or letter of intent, it should be submitted also.
    > A system diagram detailing locations, dimensions, and orientations of the system on the property. For solar canopy systems, the system diagram must include dimensions of the parking lot and the Solar Canopy.
    > A site map exhibiting the location of the system on the property (image from Google Earth/Maps © preferred, digital/print photograph is acceptable).
    > Evidence of the Site Owner's control of the project site, preferably in the form of a recorded deed, or a lease extending at least 20 years past the expected completion of the solar canopy or floating solar array.
    > Evidence of project finance in the form of a financier’s Letter of Commitment or a signed letter confirming the prospective system owner’s ability to finance the project on its own.
    > Construction schedule (assuming the Grant is signed on April 1, 2024)
    > IRS Form W-9 for the applicant (organization receiving the grant funding).
    > Solar Production estimate (PVWatts or PVsyst). > A basic electrical schematic of the facility’s electrical system (a one-line diagram is acceptable) and where/how the solar array connects to it. If part of a resiliency plan, provide a separate diagram showing potential future components of the resiliency system.
    > For a purchased system, calculate and provide the simple payback period (show your work). For a 3rd party-owned system, show the cost savings to the site owner over a 25- year period (show your work).
    > For a Community Care or Community Continuity Microgrid, submit calculation of net benefit to Low-and-Moderate Income subscribers.

  3. MEA encourages the use of electronic applications to streamline processing and reduce environmental impacts. If you cannot apply electronically, please contact MEA no later than seven (7) days prior to the application deadline to identify an alternative method to submit the application.
    The application spreadsheet and required documents should be submitted electronically to MEA via email to:
    If specifically authorized by MEA, an applicant should mail the supporting documents to:
    Maryland Energy Administration
    Attn: Public Facility Solar Grant Program
    1800 Washington Blvd. Suite 755
    Baltimore, MD 21230

20. Maryland Public Service Commission

2025 Community Solar Pilot Program (Existing Buildings)
2025 Community Solar Pilot Program (Existing Buildings)

Contact Information

Maryland Public Service Commission

The Maryland Public Service Commission has adopted regulations for a community solar pilot program in Maryland, with an emphasis on providing renewable energy benefits for low and moderate income customers. Community solar customers are expected to see some savings on their electric bills and all Marylanders will benefit from more clean energy options.

The program will encourage private investment in Maryland’s solar industry and diversify the state’s energy resource mix to meet Renewable Portfolio Standard and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act goals.

Eligible Participants as a subscriber organization

  • We expect solar developers, non-profit energy assistance groups, homeowners associations, community organizations, commercial businesses, utilities, retail electricity suppliers, etc., to consider applying to participate in the community solar program as subscriber organizations.

The seven-year community solar pilot program will:

  • Provide access to solar-generated electricity – in a manner similar to rooftop solar and net metering – for all Maryland customers without requiring property ownership;
  • Incentivize solar companies to provide service to low- and moderate-income customers;
  • Set aside program capacity for each area of the state with a statewide cap at about 418 MW. About 125 MW is set aside for projects focused on low and moderate income customers;
  • Attract new investment in Maryland’s renewable infrastructure and green economy;
  • Allow renters to contract for solar energy with the same benefits as rooftop owners;
  • Create separate program capacity for small systems and systems built on brownfields, parking lots, or industrial areas;
  • Allow smaller and rural service territories to make use of existing solar facilities while encouraging construction of new systems in the urban and suburban areas of Maryland;
  • Include significant consumer protections, including prohibition against unreasonable fees and clear contract disclosure requirements; and
  • Allow the Commission Staff to collect necessary data to study the impact on Maryland’s electricity grid over the seven-year pilot program.

For more information, please see Frequently Asked Questions.

Minimum Funds:

Bill credits will vary depending on your subscription contract (refer to your contract for specific terms and conditions). You will get a bill credit based on the amount of electricity produced by your share of the project.

Maximum Funds:

Bill credits will vary depending on your subscription contract (refer to your contract for specific terms and conditions). You will get a bill credit based on the amount of electricity produced by your share of the project.

Application period

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: No

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Please allow 1-2 months after application approval for the incentive to appear as a credit on your billing statement.
  1. A subscriber organization (which can be a utility, retail electricity supplier, solar developer, etc.) must first be granted admission to the program by the Commission–the application form can be found here.

  2. After receiving an ID number, the subscriber organization must then apply to the electric company serving the location of the project. The capacity of each project must not exceed 2 MW.

  3. Links to utility community solar programs and interconnection applications:
    BGE Community Solar Pilot Program
    Delmarva Power & Light Green Power Connection
    Potomac Edison Company (MD) Community Solar
    Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) Green Power Connection


Organization - Incentive Name Eligible Scope Estimated Funds Estimated Time Next Steps to Capture APPLY Services
21. U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

2025 Federal Business Investment Tax Credit (ITC) (Existing Buildings)
2025 Federal Business Investment Tax Credit (ITC) (Existing Buildings)

Access our partners by clicking "Get Connected" in the APPLY Services column.

There are two tax credits available for businesses and other entities like nonprofits and local and tribal governments that purchase solar energy systems (see the Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics and this website for details

Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics

  • The investment tax credit (ITC) is a tax credit that reduces the federal income tax liability for a percentage of the cost of a solar system that is installed during the tax year.
  • The production tax credit (PTC) is a per kilowatt-hour (kWh) tax credit for electricity generated by solar and other qualifying technologies for the first 10 years of a system’s operation. It reduces the federal income tax liability and is adjusted annually for inflation.

To be eligible for the business ITC or PTC, the solar system must be:

  • Located in the United States or U.S. territories
  • Use new and limited previously used equipment
  • Not leased to a tax-exempt entity (e.g., a school), though tax exempt entities are eligible to receive the ITC themselves in the form of a direct payment.

What expenses are eligible for the ITC? While the PTC is calculated based on the electricity produced by a system, the ITC is calculated based on the cost of building the system, so understanding what expenses are eligible to include is important in determining how much of a tax credit the system is eligible for.

To calculate the ITC, you multiply the applicable tax credit percentage by the “tax basis,” or the amount spent on eligible property. Eligible property includes the following:

  • Solar PV panels, inverters, racking, balance-of-system equipment, and sales and use taxes on the equipment;
  • CSP equipment necessary to generate electricity, heat or cool a structure, or to provide solar process heat;
  • Installation costs and certain prorated indirect costs;
  • Step-up transformers, circuit breakers, and surge arrestors;
  • Energy storage devices that have a capacity rating of 5 kilowatt hours or greater (even if not charged with solar)
  • For projects 5 MW or less, the tax basis can include the interconnection property costs spent by the project owner to enable distribution and transmission of the electricity produced or stored by the system—this can include costs that are incurred beyond the point at which the energy property interconnects to the distribution or transmission systems.

Federal Investment Tax Credit for Energy Storage

  • Energy storage projects could claim the ITC only when installed in connection with a new solar generation facility, and then only to the extent the energy storage project was charged at least 80% by the solar facility.
  • The project could not claim an ITC to the extent that it was charged by the grid.
  • These operation restrictions for energy storage projects claiming the ITC severely limited how the batteries could be used and implemented to their fullest capabilities.

Addition of ITC for Standalone Energy Storage Technology

  • The IRA adds Section 48(a)(3)(A)(ix) to create an ITC for standalone energy storage technology with a minimum capacity of 5 kWh.
  • Energy storage technology includes batteries, but it also applies more broadly to any energy storage technology that receives, stores and delivers energy for conversion to electricity, or to most technology that thermally stores energy:
    > swimming pools
    > combined heat and power systems
    > and building structural components
  • Energy storage installations that are placed in service after Dec. 31, 2022, and begin construction prior to Jan. 1, 2025, are entitled to the existing ITC under Section 48(a).
  • Energy storage installations that begin construction after Dec. 31, 2024, will be entitled to credits under the technology-neutral ITC under new Section 48E

For more information, visit Federal Solar Tax Credits for Businesses

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Maximum Funds:

Solar systems that are placed in service in 2022 or later and begin construction before 2033 are eligible for a 30% ITC or a 2.6 ¢/kWh[3] PTC if they meet labor requirements issued by the Treasury Department[4] or are under 1 megawatt (MW)[5] in size.

ITC rate for energy storage projects is 6% and the bonus rate is 30%. The bonus rate is available if the project is under 1MW of energy storage capacity or if it meets the new prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements

Application period

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: No

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. The law requires property owners to apply for an exemption in most circumstances. IncentiFind recommends that you work with your tax consultant, CPA, or counsel.
    > IRS Form 3468 (PDF)

IncentiFind can connect you to our third party expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

22. U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

2025 MACRS Cost Segregation Engineered Study and Bonus Depreciation (Existing Buildings)
2025 MACRS Cost Segregation Engineered Study and Bonus Depreciation (Existing Buildings)

Access our partners by clicking "Get Connected" in the APPLY Services column.

Tax Deduction for the recovery of the cost of tangible property over the statutorily prescribed recovery period. MACRS is the depreciation used for most property.

Tax credits and depreciation deduction normally go with the entity that paid for the improvement.

You can depreciate most types of tangible property (except land), such as buildings, machinery, vehicles, furniture, and equipment.

To be depreciable, the property must meet all the following requirements:

  • It must be property you own.
  • It must be used in your business or income-producing activity.
  • It must have a determinable useful life.
  • It must be expected to last more than 1 year.

Tax credits and Bonus Depreciation Tax deduction on Land improvements, Building improvements and Personal Property on Equipment, Materials, Machines, Appliances, Buildings and Land.

You can Bonus Depreciate these improvements to realize maximum tax deductions in the first year. 80% for 2023 and 60% for 2024.

For Multifamily and Commercial Property owners, we analyze your Property Utility Bills and propose projects that can add over $100,000 in new NOI and can increase Property Asset Value by $2m.

  • We analyze your Utility Bills and provide proposals on Equipment, Materials and Smart Tech that saves Property Owners, Managers on Operating Expenses.

  • Water Efficiency Proposals to Save Properties 30%-65% on Water Costs that also monitors leaks for maintenance savings and generates water bills to tenants

  • Energy Efficiency Proposals to Save Properties 30% or more on Energy Costs and also monitors equipment for maintenance savings..

  • We provide the model to max NOI with the quickest payback ROI and increase Property Value.

  • We provide a 100% financing model with monthly payments to pay for Utility Efficiency improvement projects from the monthly Utility Bill savings and increase net NOI cash flow.

  • Do an Engineered Cost Segregation Study on your Property Improvements including these Utility Efficiency Projects with our contractors that can add up to $1,000,000 in Bonus Depreciation Tax Deductions for your property.

Minimum Funds:


Maximum Funds:

Up to $1,000,000 of the equipment purchase price that is qualified in the engineered cost segregation study on your property.

Application period

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: Contact to request a free Max NOI Utilities Management assessment and analysis for your Property.

3. Pre-Approval Required: No

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Varies by project. Please work with a program team member to ensure a streamlined process.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. The law requires property owners to apply for an exemption in most circumstances.

  2. IncentiFind recommends that you work with your tax consultant, CPA, or counsel.

  3. The certifier will perform free assessments to pre-qualify the property.

  4. The professionals like engineers and tax professionals will help you provide all the documentation necessary to sustain an IRS audit.

  5. The certifier will coordinate with your tax preparer to claim the credit.

IncentiFind can connect you to our expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.

23. U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

2025 New Markets Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)
2025 New Markets Tax Credit (Existing Buildings)

Access our partners by clicking "Get Connected" in the APPLY Services column.

NMTC Program applicants must be certified as CDEs by the CDFI Fund. For more information on CDE Certification, please see our CDE Certification page.

CDE Certification is intended for community development financing intermediaries. Businesses seeking NMTC-enhanced financing should not apply for CDE Certification, but should instead contact CDEs directly. To locate a CDE serving your area, please visit our NMTC Awardee States Served map.

Download our Notice of Allocation Availability for information on eligibility.

For more information, please see our NMTC Program Fact Sheet

Minimum Funds:

Varies by Project.

Maximum Funds:

The credit totals 39% of the original investment amount and is claimed over a period of 7 years. (5% in each of the first 3 years, then 6% in the final 4 years)

Application period

1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025

1. Application period is open

2. Preferred Vendor/Contractor required: No preferred vendor/contractor

3. Pre-Approval Required: Yes

4. Pre-Inspection Required: No

5. Post-Audit Required: No

6. Average time from Application to Approval: Work with your lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.

7. After approval, funds typically received: Work with you lender or your tax/legal/financial professional to understand the process timeline.
  1. Obtain CDE Certification

  2. Apply

  3. Award Announcement

  4. Allocation Agreement Closing

  5. Compliance and Reporting

IncentiFind can connect you to our third party expert who can explain why this incentive may be right for your project.