About the QUICK Summary
IncentiFind is The go-to database for green building incentives. We are pleased to provide the incentives available to your Residential (Single Family) project located at 103 Windflower Lane, Union City, California (Alameda County) 94587. This "QUICK Summary" provides an overview of incentives offered in your property's area. Should your property incorporate any of the below practices or measures, you could be eligible to take advantage of cost-saving incentive programs.
Incentives & Soft-Estimate
The total incentive offering in your area is 48 incentive programs, with an average cost-savings shown in the soft-estimate. Further, the incentive programs are broken-out into the following categories: Energy Efficiency (LED Lighting, energy efficient air condition units, energy efficient doors/windows, insulation, Energy Star Roof, etc.), Water Conservation (low-flow faucets/showerheads, water-efficient outdoor irrigation systems, etc.), Renewables (solar arrays, wind capture systems, etc.), and Other (electric vehicles, economic development, opportunity zones, etc.).
Soft Estimate | ||
Rebates | $ | 27,500 |
Tax/Financial Incentives | $ | 8,000 |
Projected Savings | $ | 35,500 |
VERIFY REPORT (also known as the Green Report)
Your VERIFY Report will be ready within 7 business days. Follow the steps provided to you in the VERIFY Report to capture cost-savings from eligible incentive programs.